Drive Alive Logo and Information Assets

Terms of Use

We want everybody in Allen County to be exposed to the Drive Alive message, and we welcome help from businesses, other agencies and individuals in spreading the word! Feel free to use our materials within Allen County to help share our message with your audiences, in accordance with the guidelines listed here.

In the interest of achieving the widest possible dissemination of the Drive Alive message, Drive Alive does not require permission in advance for the local use of its logo or information by businesses, schools, agencies or others, as long as the use follows these requirements:

·       Companies who have not procured paid sponsorships may not position themselves as sponsors of the campaign.

·       The material can be used within Allen County only. Separate terms of use apply for people who wish to adapt campaign materials outside Allen County.

·       The materials can be used only to educate the community.

·       Layouts should not suggest an endorsement of a product or service by Drive Alive.

·       The following positioning statement is acceptable: “Our company is proud to support Drive Alive.”

·       The logo dimensions should not be altered. It can be printed in black-and-white or black-and-yellow.

·       The Drive Alive logo and information on this Web site are protected assets of Drive Alive. When you use Drive Alive logos or materials, please include this line in at least 8-point type: “Drive Alive logo and information courtesy of the Allen County Drive Alive campaign, copyright 2005, all rights reserved.”

These requirements are intended to allow for the widest possible use of the Drive Alive logo and information for its intended public-education purpose, while protecting the organizations's ownership of its logo, image and information assets. Drive Alive reserves the right to revoke the use of program material/logo for any reason at any time. Users who do not adhere to spirit of these guidelines will be required to cease and desist in the use of the materials and become subject to legal action.

For questions or other requests, please contact Drive Alive by sending e-mail and e-mail to [email protected]. Thank you!